The Jim Jones Revue + Russell & the Wolves + The Pablo’s – BSC, Leeds – 14/10/10

jim jones

We all agree that the Brudenell is a great place to see a gig. It’s also a great place to bump into nice people. Take tonight –  we sit next to a guy with a “No, I’m not Johnny Ramone” T-shirt and his misses. We exchange disbelieving looks as a photographer lies on his back in front of the stage, trying to get a new angle on The Pablos (as they do a not bad job). “There’s no need for that” says I “I’m a photographer and I’ve never done that……and he’s using the wrong lens!” and before we know it, Roger and Melody become friends. “That’s how you should take a pic” she said, pointing at a girl with a V. short shirt on with a fab mob of blonde hair,
nonchalantly snapping at the side of the stage. Melody once toured with the Buzzcocks as their photographer “You don’t see much daylight when you do that kind of job”


Next up were a 3 piece featuring the aforementioned blonde mop-top, who produced this great sonic noise, that I loved – then up jumped a guy from the audience, grabs the mike and starts howling – It’s Russell and the Wolves! I have a single of theirs that I literally picked up at the Rent Boys gig (picked up as in it was on the floor) – ‘All Eights’. It has a real Cramps feel to it and it wasn’t long before Lux’s influence was seen in the front mans antics the best of which was when he crawled off stage, crawled on his hands and knees, microphone in mouth, through the crowd and then sang from the back of the room, stood on a chair.


The Jim Jones Review took the stage and gave a rocking good set. These guys have it all. A drummer wild as animal from the muppets, a keyboard player who’d give Jerry Lee Lewis a run for his money, Bass and Guitar players who look like they’ve stepped off the Clashs ‘London Calling’ inner sleeve and a shamelessly charismatic lead singer who’s not afraid to get the crowd to shout ‘YEAH!’ (as if I needed any encouragement) or get us clapping along.

jim jones

Imagine Little Richard as played by the Stooges trying to be the Clash – Awesome! These guys throw the right shapes and make a beautiful racket. A loud and sweaty, lovely night. Roger and Melody had come all the way from Holmfirth – hope to see them there in November for the Wilco Johnson gig!

jim jones

P.S. I’d bought the JJR tickets ages ago (I had ticket Number 15 actually) and had also bought Lee Scratch Perry tickets some time ago and was gutted to find out they were on the same night – bugger! So, after JJR finished we rushed to the Uni to see if we could catch the end of Perrys set. As we got there, the crowd were flooding out – bugger! Chatted to some people coming out “Was he good?” “Yeah, he had a full band this time” bugger! ” Did he do Curly Locks?” “Yeah he did!” BUGGER!


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3 Responses to The Jim Jones Revue + Russell & the Wolves + The Pablo’s – BSC, Leeds – 14/10/10

  1. Pingback: The Jim Jones Review + Y Niwl + Black Mirrors @ The Sugar Mill, Stoke 21/4/12 | QUIMS

  2. Pingback: Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry + The Mad Professor – Brudenell Social Club – 16/3/16 | QUIMS

  3. Pingback: PowerSolo + Hamer – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds – 5/3/17 | QUIMS

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