Richard Hawley + Vincent Vincent and the Villains – York 18th Feb 2008

richard hawley

Dr P had bought tickets for he and Mrs Dr P to go and see Richard Hawley in York. She didnt want to go, so I happily stood in when the ticket was up for grabs. After sqeezing into what are surely the narrowest parking spaces in the country (how are you supposed to get out once parked?) we got there too late to see the first act of the night but in time to see Vincent Vincent and the Villains do a wonderful set of 50s style English Rockn’Roll. Songs about working in a Cinema and the sins of love had us impressed. On my own was my favourite.
Our seats were on the front row of the first tier, bang in the middle. When Richard Hawley came on, it was as if he was playing for us. The sound was awesome – he has a fantastic band who obviously enjoyed playing together. Hawley is a great front man who likes to interact with the crowd. After initially chastising us for not being as good a crowd as Belfast he crooned through the cream of his solo back catalogue. Introducing Hotel Room as a song about addiction and I should know gave the song a whole new twist for me. Pre-gig my favourite song was Born under a bad sign (What are you like, youve had a right life! being one of the best opening lines ever) but the twangy guitar on Dark Road stayed with me for days after. An encore of him and Pal Colin on Harmonica topped by the crazed inprov during The Ocean sent us all home on a high. Best gig Ive been to in a long while!

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