Category Archives: The Glastonbury Festival

The Glastonbury Festival

My second time at the festival was with my cousin and flat-mate Digger & spent the week-end with Smiley Riley and Mitsus gang (Paddy, Debby and Peppy). We made the fatal mistake of arriving late on the Thursday night and … Continue reading

This year was crazily overcrowded many thousands jumped the fence many more than ever before and walking around the site was quite scary you just had to go with the flow of people couldnt cut across, just swept along. Continue reading

The video screens either side of the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury are invaluable for those of us who are now too old to mosh. On them, in between acts this year, was a film that featured a young mans face … Continue reading

d Thairs driving drums and Ali Friends sublime double bass stealing the show. We stepped out of the club and into 1996 feeling on a real high.

Unfortunately, by 1997 we were going through a prolonged and agonising break up and I was at an all time low. In an attempt to cheer me up, Sledge took it upon himself to take me to Glastonbury what a guy! I know I wasnt much company that week end I remember lying in my tent, staring up at the canvas for hours not being able to sleepjust worried, with a stomach churning will-she-wont-she type scenario going over and over in my mind.I was a real mess – but knowing there are people like Sledge looking out for you is what keeps you going.

Anyway, Beth Orton played in the Acoustic tent that year. Shed appeared on a Red Snapper single before she had a recording contract and Ali Friend played (double) bass on her wonderful Trailer Park LP. Ali Friend was also her (double) bass player live so we had to go see her. I fell in love with her day. So bright and sunny and obviously getting off on it all she knocked me off my feet for a while.

All of her songs resonated with how I was feeling. The chorus to Someones Daughter particularly stuck with me that day and its still my favourite of hers

I want to shout about it, but I keep quiet about it
I want to laugh about it, but I dont joke about it
Want to live without it, but I cant do without it Continue reading

So when Jim and I saw him heading our way at Glastonbury, I made a beeline for him: “John, Bob the Chiropodist” I announced shaking him by the hand. “I was just thinking about you! My foots killing me!”. Unfortunately, I was in no fit state to look at his foot and suggested he see one of the team in the Medical tent. All I could think about afterwards was “I’m in his consciousness Wow!” Continue reading