Category Archives: Meetings

QUIMS Meetings

We hadn’t got around to meeting this year but managed to squeeze one in at Si’s before the year was out. Politics seemed an obvious topic with a General Election looming and all the bollox around Brexit that just won’t … Continue reading

We finally managed to get a second meeting of the year organised around the theme of numbers and finally managed to get our first female input as Mitsu was over from Paris and started with Beyonce and Jay-Z’s Louvre take … Continue reading

Tonights meeting explored the senses and was inspired by Andy Partidge’s take on Manfred Man’s 54321. John set a round for each sense with a couple of curve balls at the end. There was some deep discussion over whether ‘heat’ … Continue reading

One of Bobs recent ‘InnerThursday’ sleeves on the QUIMS Facebook page was Paul Haigs ‘Chain’ LP. Playing ‘Something Good’ made him wonder why it wasn’t a smash hit….which led to tonights theme. Cheese and crackers and beer and tunes and … Continue reading

A few weeks ago I tried walking up Table Mountain with my cousins. After half an hour of walking straight up, my legs were shaking “How much more of this is there?” “About another 2 hours”… I took the walk … Continue reading