Category Archives: Personal Histories

Personal Histories

Woke up to hear Peter Hook on Radio 4’s Today this morning (!) talking about the Hacienda’s  30th Anniversary…….blimey! Doesn’t time fly. I was member 151 and fondly remember it as the empty Indie disco it was before the Chicago … Continue reading

In 1999 I was lucky enough to share a house with Martin and Carl. Martin was a friend of my brother Dave (he’d been at Uni with my sister in law Ruth) and had just bought a house on the … Continue reading

I’m very pleased to announce an article by Kaiser Chief mum Theresa – ex work colleague of pals and ex patient of mine. What would it feel like to have your child playing to thousands of happy fans……? Continue reading

Andy Kershaw has written his autobiography and it’s a great Rock’n’Roll read. I’ve greatly missed his radio shows and am hoping that this is this tome is the penultimatel step in his very public rehabilitation…..with the final step seeing him back on radio 3, blowing our speakers and our prejudices apart. Continue reading

Marc Riley was in both The Fall and The Creepers, 2 of my favourite bands and if you ask me, he now has the best job on radio – Live bands in the studio most nights, plays what he wants (which is usually bloody good) and finishes at 9 so he can get to gigs too. A true gent he has a passion for what he does – what more could you want? Continue reading