Category Archives: News

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We hadn’t heard of Damien Jurado but a friend of Lee’s recommended that we go see him, so we got thought we’d give him a try. It can be a bit of a gamble but I love going to watch … Continue reading

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Cowtown put on tonights show to launch their new single and put together a mighty fine show with a bonus raffle…. Sorry we missed Game_program (but it was a V. early start). Lord Adonis plays music that wouldn’t be out … Continue reading

I’ve been waiting over 3 years to see DIIV again. They made a huge impression as a support act and their ‘Oshin’ LP has been a constant on my turntable since. Could they live up to my expectations…….. Ulrica Spacek‘s … Continue reading

I’ve tried before – But this is the first time I’ve managed to get to see the living reggae legend that is Lee Scratch Perry (he’s 80 later this month) and I sincerely hope it won’t be my last. A … Continue reading

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Having never got to see the Ramones live….and now never will as most of them aren’t alive……I’m happy to say that The Ramonas are a great second best and do an excellent job of bringing their tunes to life…… their … Continue reading