Category Archives: News

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After catching ‘Fresh’ a few weeks ago, we weren’t going to miss them this time round. Supporting New Zealand’s ‘The Beths’ this was another wonderful night of ‘4 bands for a fiver’ down at Wharf Chambers… a life time member, … Continue reading

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I’ve loved Kraftwerk ever since the late-70’s when I fell about laughing to “We are the Robots…” on hearing it for the first time. I’ve never managed to see them live but tonight had the chance to see one of … Continue reading

The Hub is a wonderful arts space in Holbeck which you would pass by without looking at twice if you didn’t know it was there: “You want to get out here!?” said the taxi driver rather disbelievingly. “Er…..yeah” “Are you … Continue reading

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So I was in town hoping to meet up with a few folks who were running late, so I pop into Waterstones to kill time and found a lovely R Crumb book where he’s done portraits of blues and jazz … Continue reading

Fujiya and Miyagi were back in town for the first time sime the release of their rather brilliant self titled LP that was originally released as 3 EPs. They had us dancing and shouting for more….. First up was Orsha … Continue reading