Category Archives: News

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Neko Case has a fantastic voice which live, just seems effortless, a real treat to hear. She’s really funny and with her backing band, the coolest dudes around, filled the Brudenell with love tonight – looking round there were people … Continue reading

I’ve been wanting to see the Lovely eggs for a couple of years but everytime they played Leeds I was either on holiday, or at a wedding or away lecturing… annoying….but tonight the stars were aligned and a fantastic night … Continue reading

RUMBLE!!! An amazing amount of talent on show tonight at Wharf Chambers. Sledge and I went along mainly to see ‘Los Pecadores’ but were blown away by the whole night – just fantastic! The evening had started with a very … Continue reading

The Reading festival used to be a real Rock festival with loads of stuff you’d want to see. Now it’s an odd hotch-potch of stuff that seems to cater for the younger crowd….well let’s be honest – caters almost exclusively … Continue reading

Our good friends Claire and Guy got us a pair of tickets for this as a 50th birthday present for Lee. We used the excuse to get away on our own on the Saturday night (the first time we’ve been … Continue reading