Category Archives: News

Guess this is the main news area?!

Hopefully all those we know who were at WOMAD this year will write a little something and show a piccie or 2…here’s mine to start….. One of my favourite bits of WOMAD last year was the workshops so I was … Continue reading

The gentlemen of QUIMS converged on the Deershed 2 festival with families in tow to enjoy the sun and the fun… Top Ten Deershed Moments countdown, by Jez (far left) Festivals are not all about the music are they? 10. … Continue reading

My word, after WOMAD, Deershed, Ash and the Dickies in close proximity I wasnt really looking forward to this as I was KNACKERED! Id got the tickets some time ago and and hadnt realised it was so close to the … Continue reading

Simon’s been mad on ASH for many years so I joined him on a trip to York to catch them and I can definitely see the attraction – the energy in the room was amazing with top tune after top … Continue reading

What a way to start the week…..a glorious Monday night at the Brudenell saw punks old and new gather together to see the marvel that is ‘The Dickies’. First up were local cricket obsessed ‘Oi!’ band ‘Geoffrey Oi!cott’. Sledge recognised … Continue reading