Category Archives: News

Guess this is the main news area?!

A strange old night with everybodies favourite Prestwich band. I was discussing with Tony before the gig that even though they have a dodgy reputation, I’d never seen a bad gig by The Fall…….this one was somewhat shambolic – but no less entertaining for that. They opened up with a version of Warren Zevon’s “Werewolves of London” and it was obvious from the start that MES was rather worse for wear…. Continue reading

In the Spirit of the UK/USA ‘special relationship’ QUIMS has teamed up with …Stupefaction… to remember John Peel and give thanks for good music and the radio stations that are still aloud to play it……still miss you John! Continue reading

I’m very pleased to announce an article by Kaiser Chief mum Theresa – ex work colleague of pals and ex patient of mine. What would it feel like to have your child playing to thousands of happy fans……? Continue reading

Great to see Gruff Rhys and Y Niwl again, they were on top form tonight. Coming to the end of their year together they still sounded fresh and funny and blasted our eardrums at the end. Continue reading

It’s been a good 20 years since I last saw John Cooper Clarke. At that time he used to deliver his poems at break-neck speed and fit dozens of them into his set. Since then he’s been to the Frankie Howard school of stand up and managed to woo the crowd with hillarious chat and only a slight sprinkling of poems. Continue reading