Category Archives: News

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Wire played a blistering set that spanned their whole career and unlike a lot of bands still going from the 70’s, their new stuff is arguably better than their old. The new blade on guitar complemented their sound wonderfully with … Continue reading

This September was Bob’s 25th Anniversary of working for the NHS so a medical themed meeting seemed in order. We met at fellow NHS employee Dr P’s (who was about to have shoulder surgery). Roger was deflated by non-NHS work and hadn’t had the energy to make a playlist, he did however have a spectacularly inflated elbow due to bursitis. Bob was running on one eye as he’s awaiting cateract surgery after having his retina re-attached earlier this year. John and Jez were happily free of ailments Continue reading

Having a 331/3 party is a great idea (I never got around to it but I did have one when 45). ACR have entered their 4th decade as a band on good form (check out 2008’s ‘Mind Made Up’ LP) and tonight’s show saw them reviewing their career over 2 sets in chronological order. Continue reading

Musicport is a 3 day indoor festival held at Bridlington Spa and I was lucky to attend a couple of days thanks to Boy-Lee who lives just up the road.There was a massive amount of talent on show from Brid bluegrass locals ‘Whisky Dogs’ to the anti apartied giant Hugh Masekela. From Goldies band of marvelous misfits to Kentucky saw players. Continue reading

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again……Jeffrey Lewis doesn’t dissappoint! A wonderful night watching a guy at the top of his game – Hell, I even gave him the shirt off my back – what a show! Lee couldn’t make it due to a flu bug so babysitter ‘Boy-Lee’ came instead. Jeff kindly signed a Vinyl copy of ‘A Turn In The Dream Songs’ to Lee which might ease her dissappointment of not seeing this……… Continue reading