Category Archives: News

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Woke up to hear Peter Hook on Radio 4’s Today this morning (!) talking about the Hacienda’s  30th Anniversary…….blimey! Doesn’t time fly. I was member 151 and fondly remember it as the empty Indie disco it was before the Chicago … Continue reading

Some of the gang from work went to this gig – I was otherwise disposed so Adam the Osteopath offered to write it up….. We enjoy going to gigs at Korks, for us it involves a good dinner on the … Continue reading

When I saw that David Sylvian was touring, I got Lee and I tickets as a birthday present. We last went to see him almost 24 years ago (28/5/88 at the Hammersmith Odeon) when we were going out with each … Continue reading

The first night of the Wave Pictures extensive tour started inauspiciously with the exhaust falling off their van on the way to Leeds (ably fixed with sticky tape and string by Franic bass and Jonny drums). David Tattersall’s such a … Continue reading

How often does your favourite band come to town and play in a tiny bar…..for free? It happened tonight as Welsh kings of the surf guitar ‘Y Niwl‘ played a great set with some new tunes (we’re into the 20’s … Continue reading