Category Archives: News

Guess this is the main news area?!

Dr P managed to get the QUIMS crowd tickets  which was pretty impressive as they sold out within minutes. It’s not often I get nervous going to a gig, but tonight I was. Johnny Marr. Tonight was one of 2 … Continue reading

I noticed on Facebook that ‘Jesca Hoop‘ was giving away 2 tickets for each of her gigs as support to the awesome ‘I Am Kloot‘. As I’m a fan of both I thought it was worth a punt and lo … Continue reading

Our Thursday night lodger ‘Boy-Lee’ is leaving his job in Leeds and so will no longer be requiring our bed-settee. We’ll all miss having him around – especially me as it often gave us an excuse to go spontaneous gigging……like … Continue reading

A  fantastic double header tonight featuring two of Leeds most intriguing bands. Educational and entertaining – Very entertaining in fact. I like it upstairs at the Library pub – just wish they had some decent ale up there…… First up … Continue reading

This was a final hometown gig for Chumbawamba who have decided to call it a day after 30 years of stirring things up. What can you say…….. “Suction” apparently……. Great rapport with the crowd. Great Anti Homophobic/domestic abuse/fascist/monarchrist/war songs – … Continue reading