Category Archives: News

Guess this is the main news area?!

It’s only been 4 months since the Wave Pictures last wandered into town but it’s always a pleasure to see them back. I bought their beautiful new LP ‘City Forgiveness’ (on lovely white vinyl) and popped out to put it … Continue reading

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I was introduced to Adam Green by Jez who’s brought tracks by him along to many a ‘QUIMS’ meeting – cookie and strange and rude – he’s right up Jez’s street! If you haven’t heard of Adam you may have heard of ‘The Moldy Peaches’ – his band with Kimya Dawson that sounded like two drug addled kids having fun with a cheap tape recorder……..ace! I first heard them when my mate Nick Dawson (no relation) put ‘Steak for Chicken’ on his Top 10 CD for my 40th (nearly 10yrs ago!!!)….Jez reports… Continue reading

This meeting was held at Jez’s house and was invigilated by Si East who joined us from the Ilkley branch to make sure we were doing these meetings to the appropriate standard….he brought along a picture interlude guessing which classic … Continue reading

Great start to 2014 gigging with the multi-layered Laura J Martin. I was thinking of only seeing bands/artists this year who I’ve not seen before……but when there’s artists as good as Laura playing for only £3.50……it’d be daft not to … Continue reading

The Wooden Shjips rolled into town with their own style of fuzzed up west coast boogie with added late night TV static visuals. They played variations of the same tune for over an hour….but what a tune! Erik “Ripley” Johnson’s guitar weaves in and out and then glides over the top of Dusty Jermiers pulsating bass lines which mash with Omar Ahsanuddin’s uncannily chirpy drum beats. Synth player Nash Whalen looked a little bored at times but then, he only had to play 3 notes…… Continue reading