Category Archives: Gigs & Reviews

Reviews of erm, Gigs!

I took Matty down the Brudenell for the first time tonight – glad he got to see The Blinders in the old room. We had a spare ticket as Sledge couldn’t come and gave it away on the door to … Continue reading

Lee and I last saw David Byrne at Brixton Academy in 1992 – He came on, did some songs solo on his guitar (including Psycho Killer) then the curtain dropped behind him to reveal a full latin band who played … Continue reading

I’ve been wanting to see the Lovely eggs for a couple of years but everytime they played Leeds I was either on holiday, or at a wedding or away lecturing… annoying….but tonight the stars were aligned and a fantastic night … Continue reading

There was a Liverpool invasion down at the Brudenell tonight – think Sledge and I were the only non-scoucers there – and why you may ask – well, the Vyrll Society were in town of course! We got there just … Continue reading

RUMBLE!!! An amazing amount of talent on show tonight at Wharf Chambers. Sledge and I went along mainly to see ‘Los Pecadores’ but were blown away by the whole night – just fantastic! The evening had started with a very … Continue reading