Category Archives: Gigs & Reviews

Reviews of erm, Gigs!

Testifying with Primal Scream Bobby Gillespie is the least likely rock God, slightly fey, gauche with limited stage presence and no real sense of rhythm, but boy do his band, Primal Scream, make a magnificent sound. On Monday night at … Continue reading

It was Marks Birthday and hed got tickets to see The Decemberists with Kev and Martin. His better half Sarah was up from Cambridge but didnt fancy that gig as Mark had mentioned the ‘F’ word (folk that is). Other gigs in town that night included The Charlatans at the Brudenell and Pauline Black at Rios but as we’d met in the Vic, we decided to go for a four band night at The Well. Im ashamed to say that the last time I frequented Josephs Well (as was) it was to see Parva. We used to go there all the time then and it brought back good memories. Continue reading

Its been 2 years since Fujiya & Miyagi last strolled into town and this time they brought with them a couple of class acts. Continue reading

After 3 weeks of being indoors post eye surgery for a detached retina (It happens with age “Cheers!”) I was getting a little stir-crazy. Ive been in contact with Alun from ‘Y Niwl’ after meeting them at their 6Music session. … Continue reading

You’re always in for a good show with Jeffrey Lewis. This time round he was touring with Peter Stampfel who I’d never heard of although, it turns out, I do know a couple of his tunes, more of which later…… … Continue reading