Category Archives: Gigs & Reviews

Reviews of erm, Gigs!

The first night of the Wave Pictures extensive tour started inauspiciously with the exhaust falling off their van on the way to Leeds (ably fixed with sticky tape and string by Franic bass and Jonny drums). David Tattersall’s such a … Continue reading

How often does your favourite band come to town and play in a tiny bar…..for free? It happened tonight as Welsh kings of the surf guitar ‘Y Niwl‘ played a great set with some new tunes (we’re into the 20’s … Continue reading

It’s been a couple of years since Jojo last came to town.  It’s always a privilege to be in the same room as him and tonight he was on great form – can’t believe he’s 60! Though often off mike … Continue reading

In 1999 I was lucky enough to share a house with Martin and Carl. Martin was a friend of my brother Dave (he’d been at Uni with my sister in law Ruth) and had just bought a house on the … Continue reading

The venue that used to host “The Good Old Days” (and still does) is a fitting home for this fine piece of old style music hall comedy “The Big Society”. Red Ladder are a local theatre group who have teamed … Continue reading