Category Archives: Gigs & Reviews

Reviews of erm, Gigs!

Dig, Lee, Bat, James and I got the train up to Newcastle for the week end, mainly to go and see The Jim Jones Revue but also for beer, food, chat, culture and a good laugh…….we had a great time! … Continue reading

When I saw that The Hives were playing in South Africa, I urged my cousins to go and see them…..thankfully, they headed the call…… My long spell of seeing ‘decent’ bands was finally broken when I was blown away by … Continue reading

My mate Neil was visiting from NZ so whilst our better halves were catching up, we nicked out to the Brudenell to meet up with Jez and Si for the China Rats, a local band who Jez came across whilst … Continue reading

For Sledges 50th birthday this year, he decided we should go to the Mono All-Dayer at the Brudenell. We got there at 4 (as that’s when our flier said it started) to find we’d missed one band already (sorry Tense … Continue reading

There are certain bands that it’s always worth making the effort to see, no matter how tired you are or how bad a week you’ve had – they’ll lift you up and give you a good time – The Wave … Continue reading