Category Archives: Gigs & Reviews

Reviews of erm, Gigs!

I have to admit to not having heard of Ben Caplan before tonight. I was up in Glasgow for a Podiatry conference and instead of talking feet over dinner, decided to drag a few Pods to King Tuts to see … Continue reading

Since first happening upon them back in 2008, I try never to miss the Wave Pictures when they’re touring – they’re so good – always the same but different with new stuff in tow. Touring with their 2nd LP of … Continue reading

Meilyr Jones is fabulous live. He lays himself bare, gives it his all and has the best backing band in Britain – all multi-intrumentalists and by the end of the night I think everyone had had a go at everything. … Continue reading

I’ve been wanting to see Michael Rother for a long time and I’m so glad to report that he exceeded all expectations – a fantastic night of harmonious guitar and punishing repetative beats that had everyone smiling from ear to … Continue reading

Having seen the wonderful Blind Shake earlier this year – I thought “If they’re supporting Thee Oh Sees, they must be brilliant!” There’s been a lot of talk about how good Thee Oh Sees are live (mainly by Marc Riley … Continue reading