Category Archives: Gigs & Reviews

Reviews of erm, Gigs!

It’s been far too long since I went to a gig with Oz so we decided to squeeze one in before the year was out. His contact got us tickets with access to the posh upstairs VIP area for Mogwai … Continue reading

Fujiya and Miyagi were back in town for the first time sime the release of their rather brilliant self titled LP that was originally released as 3 EPs. They had us dancing and shouting for more….. First up was Orsha … Continue reading

I’ve been meaning to catch Euros Childs for ages now and kept on missing him for various reasons…..anyway, tonight I managed to remedy that and was mighty glad I did. Support tonight was from Ed Dowie who’s amusing if droll … Continue reading

This day of Alt country was squeezed between birthdays and was suggested by Dave Hes who in the end couldn’t make it due to illness. Dave and Helen came along and the Tomothy Taylor’s Ram Tam flowed….. We arrived just … Continue reading

I first came across Jim White on a 2001 Uncut compilation which contained the extraordinary song ‘The Wound That Never Heals’ – what kind of dark twisted mind sings songs like that? Jim White, that’s who! It was a nice … Continue reading