Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

Neko Case has a fantastic voice which live, just seems effortless, a real treat to hear. She’s really funny and with her backing band, the coolest dudes around, filled the Brudenell with love tonight – looking round there were people … Continue reading

We finally managed to get a second meeting of the year organised around the theme of numbers and finally managed to get our first female input as Mitsu was over from Paris and started with Beyonce and Jay-Z’s Louvre take … Continue reading

I took Matty down the Brudenell for the first time tonight – glad he got to see The Blinders in the old room. We had a spare ticket as Sledge couldn’t come and gave it away on the door to … Continue reading

Lee and I last saw David Byrne at Brixton Academy in 1992 – He came on, did some songs solo on his guitar (including Psycho Killer) then the curtain dropped behind him to reveal a full latin band who played … Continue reading

I’ve been wanting to see the Lovely eggs for a couple of years but everytime they played Leeds I was either on holiday, or at a wedding or away lecturing… annoying….but tonight the stars were aligned and a fantastic night … Continue reading