Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

I think I’ll just leave the set list here……’nuff said xx

This was the first gig of the year for me and it was a corker! Of course it was – it was THE WAVE PICTURES. I’ve been seeing them for over a decade now and they’ve never let me down. … Continue reading

This was my first visit to the Hyde Park Book Club for a gig – the upstairs is quite swanky but the basment gig venue looks like an old disused basement – still – the sound was excellent and it … Continue reading

I had a look to see if there were any gigs on my birthday this year and saw that Snapped Ankles were playing at the Brudenell – fantastic – love them and love that place – perfect! Couldn’t find any … Continue reading

It’s been a busy few of weeks for Commoners Choir. Singing (and starring in) the Leeds International Film Festival, being part of the George Orwell Exhibition and……my best bit of all….doing a gig with the Notsensibles! This flurry of activity … Continue reading

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