Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

There’s a BBC Radio 4 series called ‘Chain Reaction‘ where a celebrity gets to interview someone of their choice for an hour, then that person interviews someone else the next week and so on. At last years ‘Ilkley Literature Festival’ … Continue reading

We arrived at the O2 to see Lisa Hannigan singing her heart out – almost drowned by knobheads at the bar (£6 for a pint of lager and a half of coke!!!!). She was fantastic. Afterwards we bumped into QUIMS … Continue reading

The Brudenell Social Club Facebook Page ran a ‘competition’ to get free tickets for this gig and I managed to bag a couple (Thanks Nathan!). Neighbour John came along despite the rain that had been so persistent that we might … Continue reading

For his birthday, Mike’s misses Sharon bought him a UK Subs ticket and asked me if I’d join him – “Of course I will!” and Boy-Lee came along for the ride. As we entered we were met by a wall … Continue reading

A meeting was held at Bob’s in Moor Allerton with the theme taken from the Talking Heads song ‘It’s a wild wild life’. As ever, members took their own spin with some bringing songs with Wild in the title with … Continue reading

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