Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

This was a final hometown gig for Chumbawamba who have decided to call it a day after 30 years of stirring things up. What can you say…….. “Suction” apparently……. Great rapport with the crowd. Great Anti Homophobic/domestic abuse/fascist/monarchrist/war songs – … Continue reading

At the last quims meeting I was saying how I’d never been to see a gig at ‘A Nation Of Shopkeepers‘ so Si got out his iphone and booked us in to see this gig on the spot. When it … Continue reading

Attended the Annual conference of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists up in Glasgow (with a great talk from Brian Cox… a Podiatry conference…..I know!) and managed to sneak in a trip to the wonderful King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut … Continue reading

I had a ticket for this but the misses took Marisa in my place for a treat (3 rows from the front, just right of the mike stand). As I’d seen Jon Gomm recently I didn’t feel too bad about … Continue reading

  If you’re looking for a rock’n’roll band that gives 100% every time and never let you down – the Jim Jones Revue are the band for you. Tonight was another awesome display of guitar riff heaven mixed with excitable … Continue reading