Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

Dr P managed to get the QUIMS crowd tickets  which was pretty impressive as they sold out within minutes. It’s not often I get nervous going to a gig, but tonight I was. Johnny Marr. Tonight was one of 2 … Continue reading

I noticed on Facebook that ‘Jesca Hoop‘ was giving away 2 tickets for each of her gigs as support to the awesome ‘I Am Kloot‘. As I’m a fan of both I thought it was worth a punt and lo … Continue reading

Our Thursday night lodger ‘Boy-Lee’ is leaving his job in Leeds and so will no longer be requiring our bed-settee. We’ll all miss having him around – especially me as it often gave us an excuse to go spontaneous gigging……like … Continue reading

A  fantastic double header tonight featuring two of Leeds most intriguing bands. Educational and entertaining – Very entertaining in fact. I like it upstairs at the Library pub – just wish they had some decent ale up there…… First up … Continue reading

Another night of Sonic loveliness at the Brudenell with Baltimores ‘Lower Dens’ promoting their excellent LP ‘Nootropics’ and Leeds own ‘Swimming Lessons’ showing that it’s not just Hooky who can use a Bass as a lead guitar. ‘Novo Line’ did … Continue reading