Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

A hot sweaty night at the Brudenell saw Leeds finest Ukrainian folk band give a tour de force performance that you just couldn’t sit down to. Support came from ‘Maia’ who may have looked like the cast of ‘The Big … Continue reading

Local music obsessive Tony put together a night of live music, to celebrate surviving another year, at the lovely New Roscoe. Local bands ‘Lost Souls’ and ‘Joyhause’ provided post punk covers with a healthy dose of Joy Division, PiL and … Continue reading

  This year Marisa joined me between finishing school and her GCSE’s and spending a month in Equador……when I was 16 I got my excitement by trying to sneak in pubs…. Arrived early on the Wednesday this year and by … Continue reading

After a few false starts, we managed to finally get the gang together for an evening of Modern themed music….modern marriage, modern schooling, modern methods of recording, modern languages, modern communication…..etc. were all covered. Funniest moment was the look on … Continue reading

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It’s been a couple of years since we last saw The Jeffrey Lewis & Peter Stampfel Band at the Brudenell and along with the Wave Pictures ‘Franic’ there’s a couple of female band members now, who add a new dimension. … Continue reading