Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

For Sledges 50th birthday this year, he decided we should go to the Mono All-Dayer at the Brudenell. We got there at 4 (as that’s when our flier said it started) to find we’d missed one band already (sorry Tense … Continue reading

There are certain bands that it’s always worth making the effort to see, no matter how tired you are or how bad a week you’ve had – they’ll lift you up and give you a good time – The Wave … Continue reading

I knew the Crocodiles had been in session recently with Marc Riley but had missed that particular show and had never knowingly heard anything by them before. Still, a spot on the great mans show was enough to convince Sledge … Continue reading

I saw this on Twitter….. and thought I’d give it a go……and won! Free tickets! My ASH loving Cousin Si was also delighted, even when the gig turned out to be on a Monday night, meaning 2 days off work … Continue reading

It was the hottest day of the year so far (31 degrees) and a perfect day to see the oldest, biggest group in the world…..THE STONES!!!!! Lee and I joined Gabby and Mags for a fun packed day in the … Continue reading