Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

I’d been up to Loch Fyne sailing for the week-end and inbetween sailing on amazingly calm waters (and sunbathing….in Scotland….in late September!) spent a couple of debauched nights in ‘Tarbert’ where a music festival week-end was in full swing. I … Continue reading

On the night that Peter Capaldi premiered as the new Doctor Who, we took a trip back in time care of The Chemic’s “Turn O’ the Wheel” night. Lee, Mitsu, Ana Luisa, Sledge and I joined host Rory Scammell for … Continue reading

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We were camping in the Loire Valley last week and caught the tail end of Hurricane Bertha – torrential rain that meant everything was damp and nothing was drying out. We were listening to the iPod on shuffle (it was … Continue reading

We missed out on WOMAD last year so were super happy to be back with the gang in the beautiful grounds of Charlton Park. This year was a sell out and the hottest week-end of the year so far…..when a … Continue reading

Wednesday Si joined me this year and graciously offered to drive us. We set off at 9am and were on the site, without once hitting a traffic jam by 3pm. Tents up, it was off to work for me for … Continue reading