Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

We hadn’t heard of Damien Jurado but a friend of Lee’s recommended that we go see him, so we got thought we’d give him a try. It can be a bit of a gamble but I love going to watch … Continue reading

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It’s been just over a year since the Meatbodies graced the Brudenell – I really hope they make it an annual event – these guys are not to be missed! First up was Girl Sweat featuring Russell who we last … Continue reading

Cowtown put on tonights show to launch their new single and put together a mighty fine show with a bonus raffle…. Sorry we missed Game_program (but it was a V. early start). Lord Adonis plays music that wouldn’t be out … Continue reading

I’ve been waiting over 3 years to see DIIV again. They made a huge impression as a support act and their ‘Oshin’ LP has been a constant on my turntable since. Could they live up to my expectations…….. Ulrica Spacek‘s … Continue reading

My first gig at Headrow House, the new multi-floored venue for strong beer drinking, tattoo wearing beardy types. Disappointing then, that they don’t serve any of their nice beer in the gig room……. …And what got us out early on … Continue reading