Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

After a family tea to say goodbye to Marisa (who’s off to travel around Europe and then India before starting Uni) we popped along to 7 in Chapel Allerton to see our favourite Latin American band Mestisa. Ana Luisa (Chile) … Continue reading

I suspect that like many, I first heard Laura Cantrell on John Peels show. He had a soft spot for her and plugged her ‘Not the trembling kind’ LP relentlessly (“It’s sweet 16 this year”). She also has a new … Continue reading

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Jez had been holding a dream for some time to form a QUIMS Supergroup.  He had pitched the idea before only to be knocked back due to the apparent complexity of the idea.  Basically everyone would nominate their singer, guitarist, … Continue reading

Mitsu was over from Paris for her birthday (not allowed to tell you which one) so we squeezed in a gig amongst her other activities. The Blind Shake were supposed to be playing with Swami John Reis but when ‘All … Continue reading

We always look to see if there’s a gig 0n when attending the Staffordshire Conference on Clinical Biomechanics and managed one this year. Earlier at the UK Footwear Science meeting we’d learnt how knowing what brand of shoe you’re wearing … Continue reading