Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

Tonight I got to celebrate my birthday with Biscuithead and the Biscuit Badgers who were celebrating their 10th Anniversary. There were party games, balloons, crisps and lots of friends ready to party. Support came from the lovely Mestisa who took … Continue reading

It’s been quite a while since I last saw Teenage Fanclub. I was quite late in coming to them, initially dismissing them as a Britpop band (without ever having heard any of their stuff). It was when I moved in … Continue reading

I have to admit to not having heard of Ben Caplan before tonight. I was up in Glasgow for a Podiatry conference and instead of talking feet over dinner, decided to drag a few Pods to King Tuts to see … Continue reading

Tonight’s theme was ‘The Body’ accompanied by baked Camembert and a variety of other cheese and beer. I’ve become somewhat obsessed of late with the Matt Ward tune that opened things up…… I was so happy that it mentioned a … Continue reading

Since first happening upon them back in 2008, I try never to miss the Wave Pictures when they’re touring – they’re so good – always the same but different with new stuff in tow. Touring with their 2nd LP of … Continue reading