Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

Apparently, Wreckless Eric gets a bit nervous when he plays Leeds for historical reasons (as told to Marc Riley on his 6Music show). On tonight evidence, he has no reason to at all – everyone loved his banter, his sonic … Continue reading

“We were told the more north we go, the more like Iceland the gigs would be – so we keep on expecting a lot of drunken farmers to come in” I’ve been wanting to see Hafdis Huld for ages – … Continue reading

When was the last time you could truly say you were thrilled by a band? Tonight, PowerSolo were truly thrilling – best live band I’ve seen in a long long time…..possibly ever! Amazingly energetic guitar playing, funny and fast – … Continue reading

The Quite Interesting Music Society was born at a Dears gig (23rd January 2005) so it was only fitting that the original members conviened again to see them some 12 years later….. First up was Montreal’s ‘Plants and Animals‘ who … Continue reading

A night of glorious riotous youth – not giving a monkeys about what people think – turn it up load, jump in the crowd and crank the fun up to 11 – I’d love to be on their tour bus….. … Continue reading