Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

Sunny Bank Mills is a huge complex of old Mills that have been brought back to life with spaces for companies, artists and a wonderful open space/venue for performances that is full of character. Old steel beams are on display … Continue reading

The family friendly Music, Arts and science festival set in beautiful north Yorkshire Parkland. We went to the first 2 but haven’t been for 6yrs so thought it was about time. Great line up and fab to bump into people … Continue reading

For the third year in a row Meatbodies graced the Brudenell stage with a set worthy of a stadium – “We’ve never played anywhere else in Leeds – and we wouldn’t want to” – It’s hard to describe how good … Continue reading

On last nights Gideon Coe show he played ‘Hope’ by Commoners Choir, a project I’ve been involved with for about 18 months. It’s a great moment to hear your stuff in amongst The Chameleons, AC/DC, Tuxedomoon and especially Y Niwl … Continue reading

I forgot my camera this year so only had my phone….   This was a husband and wife act, she kept clinging onto him whilst he was trying to shake her off in a hundred different ways – Fabulous! We … Continue reading