Author Archives: Bob the Chiropodist

One of Bobs recent ‘InnerThursday’ sleeves on the QUIMS Facebook page was Paul Haigs ‘Chain’ LP. Playing ‘Something Good’ made him wonder why it wasn’t a smash hit….which led to tonights theme. Cheese and crackers and beer and tunes and … Continue reading

For a band that’s been going 40 years – Wire still sound like young upstarts, with maybe a touch of finesse now and again. A great blend of mostly new tunes (but some lovely old ones – three girl rhumba!!!) … Continue reading

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Public Service Broadcasting are back with their LP about the decline of the Welsh Mining Industry. Their set has grown in scale and ambition as their popularity has blossomed. Boosted by a bass and brass section they have a beefier … Continue reading

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Jeffrey Lewis never lets you down – Another great gig bursting with passion and humour and wonderful songs with new arrangements – the guy’s a genius! This was our first … Continue reading

As you will no doubt know, whenever we go to a conference, Boy-Lee and I like to try and fit in a gig. This time round the course was Foot Mobilisation Techniques with Enthused Aussie Ted Jedynak and the gig … Continue reading