Rent Boys – Santiago’s, Leeds – 17/09/10

rent boys

Is Facebook a guilty pleasure? Im a daily (ab)user but only have one person on my list who Ive never actually met. My very good friend Darlene insisted that I put Hughsie H on my list He lives in Leeds and hes the drummer in a band and youd love him cos I do you cant argue with that.

Turns out hes the drummer in the Rent Boys and when I saw a post from him that they were playing in Leeds, I thought Ill have to go and check them out. It was the same night as The Vaselines but Hughsie H assured me they wouldnt be on until after 11. So, after one of the best nights out in a long time (The Vaselines and Haight-Ashbury were awesome!) I dutifully got myself along to Santiagos in town.

I got there about half eleven and as I entered there was a rather unusual act on – looked like someones mum/aunty, singing along to a 77 Iggy Pop soundtrackcouldve been interesting..but after what Id just seen at the Brudenell.. I asked the very competent DJ (anyone who plays Jonathan Richman is alright by me) if Id missed them No, they should be on in half an hour.

Ive not been upstairs at Santiagos in a long time but assume that the soft furnishings, the underwear dotted about, the soft toy filed sofa, were all the doing of the band (they had a rather cool furry backdrop). I didnt recognise Hughsie in the frightfully young and well-dressed crowd until the band squeezed past the crowd to get on stage. Hughsie was wearing a spangly silver jump-suit and tiara and the whole band looked very RocknRoll!

As for the music Think The Stooges – Raw Power tinged with a psychedelic undertone. The lead singer didnt do it for me unfortunately but then I guess Im not their target audience. Still, I look forward to hearing the single when it finaaly arrives on my doorstep. My ears were complaining of too much noise after a few numbers so I had to leave still without meeting Hughsie. Next time!

Bob the chiropodist

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