TJ Johnson & His Band @ Ivan’s 50th + Roy’s 80th – Abbey Tavern, Kentish Town: 15/5/10

Ivans 50th

To celebrate his 50th birthday and his dads 80th, Ivan hired the Abbey Tavern in Kentish Town for the afternoon and had a private party with TJ Johnson and his Band playing a couple of live sets. A gathering of old friends, a generous free bar and some fabulous food meant that the band had to struggle a little with the chatter but the coped admirably.

Ivans 50th

They were on fine form and it was no great suprise when Ivan mussled in on the act with his harmonica in hand

Ivans 50th

Roy has worked in the film business for many years being involved with the animated weirdness at the end of 2001 A Space Odyssey and the cool Cresta bear and there was a lot of movie insiders in attendance. All his boys have followed in the movie tradition in one way or another. Ivan has done a few short films, my favourite being A whispered name – very apt with the imminent world cup. The main actor from Seemless was there and Dig and I were sl star-struck.

Ivans 50th

It was great to see the old Finchley mob in such fine form – Some folks I hadn’t seen for at least 15 years. Here’s to the 60th/90th Do – I can’t wait!

Ivans 50th

Ivans 50th

Bob the Chiropodist

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