King Khan’s Louder Than Death, Surface Waves, Strange Cages – Brudenell Social Club – 19/9/19

Having really enjoyed King Khan with his soul band the Shrines we thought we’d give his punk band a go and saw two brilliant support bands.

Strange Cages hail from Brighton and did a lively set of rocking tunes. The drummer was out of this world and with a great frontman and a bucketfull of good tunes – they should go far – loved them!

Leeds own Surface Waves did an amazing set of heavy guitar tunes that blew us away! Hard rocking and catchy as hell – I wish I could play guitar like that….can’t wait to see them again!

King Khan is a funny guy and his louder than death outfit were like a comedy punk outfit with songs about unsavoury subjects (including a new one about Brexit). Funny, but we decided to leave before the end….

….to catch the end of open mike night at the Pack Horse – The pub for Leeds Engineers (it’s opposite the Engineering block of the University).

Bob the Chiropodist


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