Clinic, Pigspigspigspigspigspigspigs, Snapped Ankles – 6Music Festival – 31/3/19

The annual BBC 6Music festival made it to Liverpool this year. Got tickets for Lee and I to go but on the day things didn’t quite work out and I ended up dragging Sledge along. We were late and unfortunately missed a set by Julia Jacklin (sorry!) and an interview with Julian Cope (who I thought was going to do a set but didn’t).

We did get there in time to see Snapped Ankles strutting their stuff – looking dapper in suits – getting the crowd bopping…..

In the other room there was food (the Vegan Scouse pies were great!) some purveyors of vinyl and a stage where interviews took place, this one about Liverpools connection with ‘Psych’ with Jane Weaver (who I would have loved to see play live), Clinics ‘Ade’ and Psyche festival organiser Chris….how would you describe the genre….?

Bumped into Gid Coe and said hello – he was suffering with a dodgy ankle and free advice was duly dished out. Next up was PigsPigsPigsPigsPigsPigsPigs who are heavier than the most heavy band you can thin of – take your earplugs

Charlotte Gainsbourg gave a great interview in which she talked about her dad and how she couldn’t go back to his flat after his death but couldn’t bear to change it. Would have loved to see her play live….

Last up were Clinic who thankfully haven’t changed since I first saw them 11 years ago. Swirling sixties organ drives their sound along at a rate of knotts with ‘Cement Mixer‘ stealing the show.

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon……

Bob the Chiropodist

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