Neko Case – The Brudenell – 7th Nov 2018

Neko Case has a fantastic voice which live, just seems effortless, a real treat to hear. She’s really funny and with her backing band, the coolest dudes around, filled the Brudenell with love tonight – looking round there were people hugging with huge smiles on their faces – we knew we were watching someone rather special.

She played a major chunk of her new LP ‘Hell-On’ which went down a treat – ‘Bad Luck’ maybe being my favourite, though ‘Halls of Sarah’ was brilliant too….they had to stop it near the end as someone fainted in the crowd…once they checked she was ok, they did the whole song again…..I was comtemplating fainting myself so they’d have to do it a 3rd time…didn’t want this one to end.

There was a strict no photos/phone policy for the night but if you want to see what they were like – have a look here

Catch her if you can

Bob the Chiropodist

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