The Blinders, Calva Louise – Brudenell Social Club – 28/10/18

I took Matty down the Brudenell for the first time tonight – glad he got to see The Blinders in the old room. We had a spare ticket as Sledge couldn’t come and gave it away on the door to a very grateful couple from Wakefield who’d met up with their ticket-less friend from Manchester hoping to get him in – glad we could help…..

Calva Louise set off at a pace and didn’t let the energy drop – infectious poppy punky songs with nice backing harmonies and a fair bit of screaming thrown in – I’m sure they will go down a storm at next years Reading/Leeds Festival – great stuff!

We’re big fans of the Blinders since seeing them at an all dayer a while back (and catching them again at Reading) – there was something a bit special about them. I’m glad to report that they’ve kept that special, angry energy and ramped it up a few notches which makes for a great debut LP and a great gig – the crowd loved it. Amazing bass/drums combo (sounding a bit like the Glitter Band on ‘Where no man comes’ – which is a good thing!). Each song builds and smoulders before bursting into flames. Singer/guitarist Tom ended up in the moshing crowd a couple of time…..

The second time was near the end. He was still in there when his band mates finished and exited. He finally emerged from the crowd crawling back onto stage to do  ‘Orbit’ as a solo song…..”Cos it’s easier to forget than to contemplate on what we saw…” a great way to end the evening…

Bob the Chiropodist


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