Klammer, Nervous Twitch, Spess – Brudenell Social Club (and Cowtown at Wharf Chambers) – 18/8/18

With the rest of the family away in Paris I had to somehow entertain myself….what on earth was I going to do?? Well, the guys from Brid were out in York, as was ‘Beers Manchester‘ so that’s where I spent a pleasant afternoon, catching up over a few scoops, before heading back to Leeds to meet Sledge for a date with one of our favourites – Nervous Twitch.

The night was to launch the new LP by Klammer and turned out to be a great one. First up was Spess who played a great set with lots of banter from their lead singer/stand up comedian…..would happily see them again.

Our main reason for going along was to see Nervous Twitch who never let you down. Bursting with 2 minute punky/pop songs they are a delight to behold. Tarrantino Hangover sounded particularly good tonight. We shouted for an encore and got one “This is for those 2 there”

The new Klammer album sees the guys mean and moody and slightly pissed off with the world. They’ve got a powerful sound that has post-punk written through it. Previously saw them supporting Ruts DC but they make good headliners themselves.

We had to leave before the end of their set as we wanted to catch another favourite Cowtown who were playing in town. Short explosive songs that crackle with energy. A great way to end the evening – sat out the back of Wharf Chambers where members of Mush were hanging out as well as bumping into Beth from ‘Beth and Danny’ at the bar –  “We’ve been doing Fleetwood Mac covers” “I don’t like them” “WHAT!?!” “sorry….”

Bob the Chiropodist

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