Happy Accidents, Kermes, Fresh – Wharf Chambers, Leeds – 20th April 2018

Sledge and I had tickets for ‘Goat Girl’ tonight, but they cancelled so we decided to see what else we could find. Wharf Chambers had 4 punky bands on for £5 so that’s where we headed – and were glad we did! Unfortunatly, we turned up just as ‘Milk Crimes’ had finished……next time

Fresh were just that! A breath of fresh air with their short, snappy pop tunes in a punky fashion…and they were obviously having a ball and won us over from their first tune. Bought their CD and asked if they knew ‘Aerial Salad‘ – “They’re great” said lead singer Kathryn “We were on the same bill as them last week” “Jamie Munro is my nephew” “You’re cool – my uncle wouldn’t come to a gig like this!” – I was a fan already but that confirmed it! Go and see FRESH!!

A hard act to follow but Kermes had a good try. Passionate, expressive songs with gender issues at their core……you get the distinct feeling that they’re not backing down for anyone!

Happy Accidents did an energetic set, chock full of great tunes. Vocals were taken in equal measure by guitarist Rich and drummer Phoebe (who looks about 12) – they bounced off each other all night with lots of banter and laughing – they looked like they had as good a time as we did……£5…..what a bargain!

Bob the Chiropodist

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One Response to Happy Accidents, Kermes, Fresh – Wharf Chambers, Leeds – 20th April 2018

  1. Pingback: The Beths, Fresh, Danny & Beth, Tom Lee – Wharf Chambers – 21/05/18 | QUIMS

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