Meatbodies, Intelligence, Girl Sweat – Brudenell – 5/4/16

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It’s been just over a year since the Meatbodies graced the Brudenell – I really hope they make it an annual event – these guys are not to be missed!

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First up was Girl Sweat featuring Russell who we last saw fronting his Wolves. This man needs to be on stage and we need more like him. In a Hawaiian shirt, barefooted (with Girl written on his right foot and Sweat on his left) he stormed the stage with loud, heavy beats, Neanderthal bass and screaming vocals – clearly passionate about something……but I’m not sure what…..a fantastic start to the night!

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Next up were Intelligence from Seattle. Suprised to see they had 6 or 7 LPs on the Merch table and chatting to their energetic guitarist afterwards, seems they’ve been going since 2000. They were a tight outfit bursting with tune after tune of spikey guitar lead songs – great stuff.

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Meatbodies were so good last year that Sledge and I just had to be there tonight too – Steve noted we’d had more that our money’s worth before they started. They turned up late due to their flight into the UK from Ireland being late but managed to soundcheck in 5 mins flat (they could teach DIIV a thing or two– Perhaps they’re a bit more laid back being from the West Coast). It’s hard to put your finger on why they’re so good… it the amazing bass and driving drums…..the interwieving guitars with those knowing smiles between them, pointing at each other……the power chords that mess with your mind… all intermingles to give you exactly the kind of band I love!!

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On a crazy tour they’re playing in Antwerp tomorrow……..Please, please, please come back to the Brudenell next year…and the next….and the next….

Bob the Chiropodist


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2 Responses to Meatbodies, Intelligence, Girl Sweat – Brudenell – 5/4/16

  1. Pingback: PowerSolo + Hamer – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds – 5/3/17 | QUIMS

  2. Pingback: Meatbodies + Jon Jones & the Beatniks Movement – 19th July 2017 | QUIMS

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