Virgin Kids, Twin, Chaika, Nervous Twitch – Headrow House, Leeds – 18/3/16


My first gig at Headrow House, the new multi-floored venue for strong beer drinking, tattoo wearing beardy types. Disappointing then, that they don’t serve any of their nice beer in the gig room…….


…And what got us out early on a Saturday night? Well, the fabulous Nervous Twitch of course. Their new LP arrived on tape this week and fresh from their 6Music debut, they did a great set of punk pop with attitude. I could haver listened to them all night. Managed to have a quick chat with them afterwards – a lovely bunch (and thanks for the badges).


I hadn’t heard of the other bands which is the way I like it – no preconceptions. Next up was Leeds band Chaika who were Very, Very Good! Top indie tunes – fast, melodic and compelling, but what often seperates a great indie band from a good one is the lead singer and Chaika have enormous potential with theirs. Great lyrics (“I always pass that fucking sign, I swear!”) and not afraid to come off stage and prowl in front of it….one to watch…..


There are loads of musical genres out there rich for the picking and ‘Twin’ plough a prog-rock field (in looks as well as sound). They started quite brightly with some heavy bass, Led Zep type tunes before exploring the more experimental side…….

Virgin kids

Last up were Virgin Kids who play fuzzed-out, high energy, garage rock songs with gusto. Their rhythm section have a fantastic bass player and lead guitarist/singer seemed to do the whole gg on his tip-toes – must ahave some tough calf muscles that lad!

Bob the Chiropodist

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