The Ramonas + Nervous Twitch, Brudenell Social Club – 25/2/16

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Having never got to see the Ramones live….and now never will as most of them aren’t alive……I’m happy to say that The Ramonas are a great second best and do an excellent job of bringing their tunes to life…… their full “1-2-3-4” glory! Went with Sledge who did get to see them on more than one occasion – once with The Fall and John Cooper Clarke in support….what a night that wouls’ve been!

Nervous Twitch

Support tonight was from the fabulous Nervous Twitch who play punky pop that the Buzzcocks would be proud of – every one was a winner! Got there first cassette and have just ordered the second. Previously saw them supporting Kid Congo and can’t wait to see them on their own – Great stuff!

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I’m not normally one for tribute bands but The Ramonas were different – playing Rocket to Russia and Road to Ruin back to back (they did the first 2 Ramones LPs on their last tour) with only a “1-2-3-4” between the songs with energy, attitude and attention to detail that had everyone in there smiling and singing along……how could you not love it. Made you realise how many ace songs they had

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Nice to bump into Daniel on his birthday and we’ll make sure Helen’s at the next one!

Bob the Chiropodist

PS Enjoyed the Nervous Twitch tape so much that I emailed Marc Riley on the Wednesday and sent him a link to their Bandcamp page – he read it out saying he hadn’t heard of them but would give it a listen. Thursday he played a track and on the following Monday had them live in session on his show……what a top bloke!

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