Chronixx – Leeds Academy – 17/7/15


If like me, your reggae heart lives in the 70’s, then Chronixx is for you. At only 22 he’s already become the biggest act in Jamaica with his ‘Reggae Revival’ style. Ian is a Jamaican music guru and introduced me to him last year. On his recent holiday there he noted that along with Bob Marley, he was played everywhere you went. So when we heard he was coming to Leeds we got our tickets straight away.


Gigs at the O2 usually start and finish early – I remember John and Roger missing most of an Elbow gig there because they’d been for a drink and didn’t get there til after 9 – but not tonight…..when it got to 11pm and the DJ’s were still spinning old classics and giving it “LEEDS! Lets see your hands!” Ian shrugged and said “Soon Come” – there’s no rush! After a few warm up acts, Chronixx came on to rapturous applause.


A great set ensued that went on til 1am and kept us dancing, waving our arms and singing along. My favourite is ‘Here Comes Trouble’ – just a perfect reggae tune. He’s now recording with the Marley brothers, there should be plenty more on the way.


Bob the Chiropodist

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