The Ukrainians and The Monkey Wrenches – New Roscoe, Leeds: 15th Feb 2009


Sledge and I were a bit early so popped to the Celtic loving Irish pub down the road from the New Roscoe for a quick pre-gig pint. They could have sold tickets! Very drunk Irish and Scottish friends falling out, nearly fighting and then making up in the time it took us to sup our pints – which is hard to do when you’re starring and your mouth is wide open…..There was a sense of anarchy in the air

monkey wrenches

A Great night at the New Roscoe kicked off with The Monkey Wrenches playing able support with a crazy rocking folk-tinged cacophany of sound including a cover version of Depeche Modes ‘I just can’t get enough’.

Chatted to Damien who during our conversation, told me about a Pogues DVD he had and it struck me that there was something of the spirit of the Pogues that was infusing the evening. The Ukrainians are like a Russian version of the Pogues with a backbeat that could knock down any iron curtain (their drummer looks more bank manager than rock and roll but you should NEVER judge a book by its cover!).


The guys were playing stuff from the new LP and I’m happy to report that I couldn’t tell the difference between the new and the old stuff. Pete Solowka invited the audience to dance and many a whirling dervish and arm flailing followed – it’s hard to stay still when these guys are playing!

Anarchy in the UK kind of summed up the evening – Great Stuff!

Bob The Chiropodist

PS old photos of the Weddoes Ukrainian tour here

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One Response to The Ukrainians and The Monkey Wrenches – New Roscoe, Leeds: 15th Feb 2009

  1. Pingback: Ukrainians, James Yorkston @ Jumbo Records, Leeds for ‘Record Shop Day’ – 20/4/13 | QUIMS

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