Meeting No.29 – Le Tour in Yorkshire


John F’s Keithley manor was our venue for all things to do with Yorkshire and Le Tour De France, with the Grande Depart from Leeds Town Hall only a few weeks away. Si got in the mood by cycling the 15 miles there (and back) “Well it’s such a lovely evening…”. Amazing Pork pies, some with a layer of black pudding and some with apple (from a Yorkshie Farmers Market) and mushy peas were supplied along with a selection of Yorkshire and French cheeses. With the Football world cup starting that night, we had an ear out for the Brazil result too……as ever, a top evening…..

Pork pie

“Hey up love, it’s t’toour” – 12 /6/2014

1. Let’s make some plans – the wedding present (John F)
2. Raison d’Etre – Buzzcocks (John M)
3. Hometown Unicorn – Super Furry Animals (Bob)
4. On Ilkley Moor baht’at – 1,000 voices and a brass band (Roger)
5. Welcome to Yorkshire – Geoffrey Oi!Cott (Jez)
6. Handlebars – Flobots (Simon)
7. Shady Lane – Pavement (John F)
8. Hymn of the Big Wheel – Massive Attack (John M)
9. Old Molly Metcalfe – Jake Thackray (Bob)
10. The drugs don’t work – The Verve (Roger)
11. My Bike – Gadjet (Jez)
12. Bicycle Rush – Maccabees (Simon)
13. Restless legs – half man half biscuit (John F)
14. Machineries of Joy – British Sea Power (Jan remix) John M
15. Tour de France (12″) – Kraftwerk (Bob)
16. No cars go – Arcade Fire (Roger)
17. Escape from New Yorkshire – I Monster (Jez)
18. Primitive Painters – Felt (Si)
19. It’s all downhill from here – Jim o’rourke (John F)
20. Reflektor – Arcade Fire (John M)
21. Kings of speed – Hawkwind (Bob)
22. Ca plane pour moi – Nouvelle Vague (Roger)
23. Stolen bikes 2 – froggy fresh (Jez)
24. Giant – The The (Simon)
25. A shot in the arm – wilco (John F)
26. This charming man – the smiths (John M)
27. Rayleigh scattering – Fujiya & Myagi (Bob)
28. The Wheel – Spear of Destiny (Roger)
29. Bike – Autechre (Jez)
30. The Visitors – Abba (John)
31. Racing like a Pro – the National (john m)
32. Do it again – Steely Dan (Bob)
33. The Paris Match – The Style Council (with Tracey Thorn) (Roger)
34. Four Yorkshiremen – Monty Python (Jez)
35  Please patronise our sponsors – Jim O’rourke (John F)

2014 route


Bob the Chiropodist

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