Ukrainians, James Yorkston @ Jumbo Records, Leeds for ‘Record Shop Day’ – 20/4/13


I’m usually at a conference this week end and miss out on ‘Record Shop Day‘ (sorry, I can’t stand the word ‘Store’ and refuse to use it in this context). This year there was no clash, so after the kids had done their swimming and tennis we got into town for 3ish and popped up to Jumbo Records who put on a free gig outside their shop. Got there in time to catch James Yorkston’s quiet set (apart from the wee feedback freakout).


Jumbo was full of vinyl hunters and the staff were managing to keep their peckers up on what must be a mad day for them. Arriving so late, all the ‘limited editions’ I’d have liked (a Weddoes clear vinyl 10″ with 4 songs sung in German would have been nice….) were all long gone. I was hoping for the ‘Shearwater + Sharon Van Etten’ 7″ but instead got a free copy of the SubPop 25th anniv comp ‘Silver ticket‘ which contained the B-side (and a rather fetching silver crown with ‘Loser’ on it…..

Nice to bump into fellow quimmer John M and Mr Montag who bizzarly was recognised by someone from his schooldays in Hull……some 40 years ago! I told Matty (9, soon to be 10 years old) that he could choose a CD and to my delight, he got The White Stripes ‘De Stijl‘ – I must be doing something right.


It’s been a while since I last saw the Ukranians and was delighted that they were there to close the event……and delighted to report that they have lost none of their energy and sense of fun. For RSD they’ve re-issued their ‘Smiths’ EP (on vinyl for the first time) and opened their set with ‘Bigmouth Strikes Again’ – a triumph! Their set was over far too quickly so we shouted for more and managed to squeeze another song out of them.

Go and see them if you get the chance. You won’t be dissappointed.

Bob the Chiropodist

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One Response to Ukrainians, James Yorkston @ Jumbo Records, Leeds for ‘Record Shop Day’ – 20/4/13

  1. Nice words Bob. I don’t like the word ‘store’ either. Though I think I may have used it in my piece. Goddarnit.

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