Johnny Marr @ Brudenell Social Club – 7th March 2013


Dr P managed to get the QUIMS crowd tickets  which was pretty impressive as they sold out within minutes. It’s not often I get nervous going to a gig, but tonight I was. Johnny Marr. Tonight was one of 2 warm up gigs for his main tour. JOHNNY FUCKING MARR!!! An all round top bloke. AT THE BRUDENELL!!!!! A combinantion so ‘Ace’ it just felt too good to be true……but it wasn’t!


He was here to punch his way through his new heavy guitar and beats LP ‘The Messenger‘ but didn’t mind dropping in the odd Smiths or Electr0nic tune. He was really into all the songs he played tonight which was great to see. The whole show was a joy to watch and I felt quite privileged to be there. His new stuff and old stuff blend seamlessly together. He always said that ‘Strangeways’ was his favourite Smiths LP and hearing ‘Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before’ live, you can see why.  Even ‘Getting away with it‘ was turned into a rocky guitar riffed tune and the guitar solo in ‘Forbidden city’ was just sublime.


The other Smiths tunes tonight were ‘Bigmouth‘ and the wonderful “That ‘London'” which seems to riff on one note before exploding into a jingly jangly fireworks display. The encore ended with ‘How soon is now’ which again was turned into a rock ‘n’ roll stonker. His backing band were just right – rocking and up for it (check out ‘Haven‘).


A Top Top night!

Bob the Chiropodist

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